Monday, May 18, 2009

Lots of walking

Now that the weather is so nice, we've been going for lots and lots and lots of walks! We walk on average 1 hour during the weekday, and 2 hours on the weekend. Not all at one time, just lots of shorter walks, 5 to 45 minutes at a time. Today we went around the block on our first walk, to the public park on our second walk, and to the school park and the small forest on the third walk. Wall-e loves sand! It's really weird -- as soon as we step onto the sand where the play structures are, he starts racing around crazily.



  1. Lol, I think a lot of dogs go crazy on sand! Hobbs starts doing zoomies, and spinning in circles whenever we walk on sand.

  2. Walks are pawsome. We don't get zoomies because of the sand though. That must be pawsome to watch.

    Essex & Deacon

  3. I can't imagine what Wall-e would do in a sand agility ring, he would probably do zoomies all around the ring, LOL

