Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Little know-it-all :)

Wall-e is seriously scaring me...that little guy seems to know EVERYTHING. Whatever jump/tunnel exercises I throw at him in the backyard, he gets right, and with lots of speed too. Course difficulty probably won't be a problem for him. (Just the running contacts :) He's jumping 16" regularly now, and the occasional double jump too, since he'll be in Regular and will have to jump doubles, triples (spreads), and broad jumps. He hasn't tried a triple or broad jump yet but when we go to the field this afternoon I'm going to start training his broad jump.



  1. That's awesome news, but I'm not surprised!

  2. Does he memorize the course? I swear that is what Truly does. You run her on one thing once, then run it again and she knows exactly where to go.

  3. You just have very clear body language. He has been observing you since he was a tiny pup and he now speaks your language.
    Either that- or- he is cheating and watching Mika do it first.
    Either way, he sounds like a good partner.

  4. Thanks Ricky! :) He's such a good boy!

    LOL Rebecca, smart Truly! Wall-e hasn't started running full courses yet so I don't really know yet. (although he'll be running a full Jumpers course at this weekend's fun match!) With sequences he doesn't, though, actually more like the opposite -- he'll run it clean the first time and then if I try it a second time he starts flying everywhere and going off-course! (But it's probably because when we run it a second time I'm always adding distance, and I tend to handle better when I'm close to him than when I'm far away.)

    Thanks Cadie, I'm really happy with how his training is going :) He's going to tear up the courses, that's for sure!


  5. I really meant sequences and courses.
    Wow, complete opposite. Truly does distance better the second time because she knows exactly where she went before.
