Friday, July 23, 2010

Wall-e AAC Trial July 8, '10

Never wrote about this trial! Whoops!! It was awhile ago....

Wall-e was entered in two Starters Gamblers runs, his very first try at Gamblers. In the first run, I did a fairly long lead-out and he stayed sitting beautifully. We did several jumps and a couple of teeters before the person timing told us to restart because the timer had malfunctioned. All right, back to the start! Wall-e got up from his stay this time, but I'm trying to keep everything fun for him, so I didn't tell him to sit again. But what a great run!! It was his first run with the teeter and first run with weaves. He did all of them perfectly and awesomely!! The gamble had tunnel sends, so I didn't handle it from behind the line (he'd been having some refusals on tunnel sends in training).

In our next run, I started with him instead of leading out because I thought there wasn't really any need for a lead-out. He seemed a bit confused about where to go after the first jump, though, so I probably should have led-out. Note to self -- always lead out with Wall-e! This run felt messy, but it was still good. I would have tried the gamble (only jumps), but I didn't heard the gamble buzzer. Other people didn't hear it either. It was pretty quiet.

He was a good boy! Will post the runs with the video of our CKC trial that both dogs are running at tomorrow.


  1. That's great! You must be so proud of him! Can't wait to see the videos. He's becoming more and more beautiful everytime I see him :)

  2. Sounds like a good trial. That is great you are keeping things happy for WallE, sounds like you made some great training decisions. Good luck at the trial!!! I can not wait to hear how it goes. Kathy/with Breeze/Liz/Cricket

  3. Yeah, I pretty much always have to lead out, too. I remember once we had a tunnel opening at a trial, and it felt so weird!

    Sounds like Wall-e did really well! I love the new pictures you put up of him and Mika!

  4. Sounds like Wall-e did a wonderful job! Diana

  5. woooow :D super duper

    El'bow & Hauwii

  6. Way to go Wall-e!!! Maybe I am a lead-out-lover like him? Who knew?

    It must be fun and challenging to train two dogs at the same time!
